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When the Peruvian-born restaurateur Humberto Leon was growing up in Los Angeles in the 1980s, his high-school classmates had barely heard of Perupara manalo, much less its cuisine. “People thought it was the same place as Puerto Rico,” he said. “If
Set in Vatican Citywinph, Edward Berger’s new movie, “Conclave,” is ostensibly about a clique of catty cardinals jockeying to become the next pope. Centered around a tortured Cardinal Lawrence, played by Ralph Fiennes, and also starring Stanley Tucc
This is an installment of Visual Studiesslot paraiso, a series that explores how images move through and shape culture. ImageImage In terms of personality and policy, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are starkly contrasting figures. Yet they’ve often
Take a moment to imagine a small gray rock sitting in the palm of your hand. It’s silent, smooth and otherwise unremarkable. Are you bored yet? If so, that’s kind of the point. Most people will eventually lose interest in a dull piece of granite. So
Jazz lovers worldwide know well the passion that Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Louis Armstrong had for trains, especially for the elegant Pullman cars that toted them to gigs across the country. Within the velvet-appointed sleeping carriages, Afri
In the 1970s, New York City’s population fell by 823,000 people, a loss of more than 10 percent. Crime rose by a third. As people and businesses fled, the city got dirtier, parks deteriorated and subways were scrawled with graffiti. The quality of l
Computer eye strain has become more prevalent over the years as we become more glued to our screens.100royal It makes work and school assignments harder as your eyes water and itch. Worse, it can lead to more serious conditions like headaches and vi
Online statistics tool Statcounter says the Google Chrome browser has the most number of users worldwide.barkadabet However, many complain about its performance issues. Fortunately, you can easily resolve them with a few simple steps. Article contin
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Does your phone receive too many calls and messages daily? Then, you should learn how to block spam on your mobile device. Reputable companies and scammers alike use automated calls and messages to promote products and services. Unfortunately, they

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